Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lost in the Shadows of Time

When I stop and think about it, I’ve loved reading ever since the first Harry Potter book came out.  It took a couple of years, but I finally picked it up.  A hundred pages later, I was hooked.  I discovered that reading can be…well, fun!  And I’ve loved writing since I was thirteen, when I discovered Brian Jacques’ masterful series, Redwall.  Granted, I had some elaborate, premature plans of sending Mr. Jacques the script for a new character and that he’d be so blown away by the masterful writing that he would immediately have me co-author the next book in the series…so I was thirteen.  Didn’t you ever want to be an astronaut?  Actually…that was plan B for the writing thing.  Anyway, such are childhood dreams.

          While I never got to write with Brian Jacques and I probably never will get my Hogwarts letter in the fireplace, I did discover a myriad of worlds bouncing around in my overactive imagination.  Long books, short books, plays, songs, poems, stories, characters and scripts—I lost myself in writing.  Now that I’m twenty-one and over halfway to my Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, I find that I have about fifteen beginnings toward novels lurking in the darker recesses of Word and three completed books that stare glumly at me every time I think about editing.  With this many ideas bobbing around in my brain, I am never sure which one to work on or read or re-write.  It’s maddening.  Bad idea to start more than one book at a time…bad, bad Kristen.

          So when I discovered ‘text-based adventure games’ online, it was like a light bulb went on.  They are a way to explore my ideas in a quicker, more interactive fashion that does not actually require a literary agent, an editor, a publisher and one very flustered, slightly overzealous writer with a hectic imagination.  After downloading the software behind this system, I also discovered that computers are much more complicated than I originally gave them credit for and that I know painfully little about the language (a.k.a. coding) they use.  It caused more than a few headaches, but I have finally created my first text adventure game through Quest.  If you are interested it out, you can play it for free at http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/hgr8xdshe0_crqkkfbiwbw/lost-in-the-shadows-of-time.

          Anyway, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, it’s back to Ely so that I can help move hay and donate blood to the mosquitoes.  I’m hoping that the water will be warm enough for snorkeling soon.  If not, the blueberries are coming in full swing and Ely’s famous Blueberry Arts Festival is starting up this Friday…so stay tuned!  Minnesota is just getting warmed up!  (Literally…I just got the tank tops back out from our Colorado trip.)



Saturday, July 13, 2013

Los Angeles

I know that I’ve been away from my blog for an unreasonably long while, but not quite long enough for me to show up in Los Angeles, California…as my title might imply.  The drive back from Colorado was twenty-one hours of me staring down millions of truckers on Interstate 80…really the only route the US has if you want to get into the west fast.  After getting back to Ely, I had a momentary breather before I was moving my stuff back down to Duluth—another two hours tacked onto my weeks’ driving.  But all of this irrelevant to the point I’m working towards, so I’m just going to jump right into it…why LA?

Just before I embarked on my adventure in Ireland, one of my closest friends set off on her own journey.  I met Ayjiah M. at Vermilion Community College in Ely, Minnesota and the first thing that I learned about her was that she wanted to be an actress.  (The second thing was that we both are addicted to Chinese food, which resulted in countless late night drives to the nearest buffet…45 minutes from Ely).  I’ve met a lot of people who said they wanted to be actresses.  Really, who wouldn’t want the ‘fame’ and ‘fortune’?  But I never knew anyone brave enough to do anything about it.  Until I met Ayjiah.  She left everything she knew to follow her dreams.  Living in Los Angeles, California is probably the biggest leap you can make from living in Ely, Minnesota and she has made it alone.

          It's not often that I meet people who truly inspire me...so I figured that it would be worth my time to spend a moment telling the world about her.  With an entirely new life in a whole new place, I hope that this post finds Ayjiah happy and safe.  I miss my friend...but I'm so happy that she has the opportunity to find her dream.

          I’m off to do something about breakfast now…I think my subconscious is picking out pictures of Duluth’s food just to torture my empty belly.  Have a look at the link, Ayjiah really is worth it.  J
